The first trip was on Saturday with Matt leading a trip on the Tarell with Andy P and Jordan, Paul and Ben, Chris, Emlyn, Kirsty and someone else who I forgotten. Emlyn reported that there were about 4 trees blocking the rive at various points and as it was low water there was plenty of broaching and scraping, making for a tiring trip.
The second trip was by the sea kayakers with Hywel leading Rob and Emlyn - out for his second trip of the weekend - from Swanbridge to Flat Holm. I'd said I wanted to practice rescues and Emlyn obliged by capsizing as soon as we went through the cleft by the jetty leaving Flat Holm. Both legs of the journey provided some testing times with a Force 3 NW wind and some rough water. 2 hours 45 minutes of paddling, a distance of 7.6 nautical miles.
The 3rd trip was led by Andy. They were meant to have been going to Symonds Yat but ended up once again on the lower Taff. Andy reported: "John Taylor run the weir on the lower Taff a little bit to far right in to the recirculating water, went over, fought to get back up, but eventually won through and rolled up!
Morale of the story is, follow the line John! But well done."