Present (at the Plough, Whitchurch): Andy (Chair), Steve (Vice-C.), Hywel (Sec.), Grant (Training Officer), Matt (Memb. Sec.), Phil, Richard W., Emlyn
Apologies: received from Les (Treasurer)
1. Minutes of previous AGM (9 Nov. 2004): had been posted on the blog (see below). A copy was circulated for info.
2. Reports
Chair: had made enquiries of SportLot but had been told we could not currently be considered for a grant as we had not provided a report on the last one. Action: Sec. to search for record of report which he and Steve remembered completing. Chair to enquire again in Jan. when we could be eligible again. Sec. said Minor Equip. grant from the Sports Council may be another option.
Sec.: reported problem with web site had been solved and that it is now again found easily via Google. He asked members to let him have any trip reports or photos which he would load up on the blog or web site.
Memb. Sec: reported we had 37 paid-up members, including child members.
Training Officer: reported around 6 had passed 1*-2* in the last few months. Matt had just passed his Canoe Safety test. A 4* inland training day was planned for 13 Nov. (details on the web site). (Sec. reported another member planned to attend a sea kayak training course at Plas Menai latter in Oct).
No reports were available from the Treasurer who had apologised he could not attend.
3. Appointment of Officers: Chair, Sec., Memb. Sec., Training Officer were all re-elected.
Steve indicated he would happily step down as Vice Chair if someone else would like the job. It was agreed that Andy P. would be approached.
John N. would be approached so see if he wanted to stay on as Equipment Officer.
Grant volunteered to be Child Protection Officer and was duly elected. The Sec. was also asked to record that the following had CRB clearance: Grant, Richard W., Andy R. - enhanced; Steve - standard.
4. AOB
Trip dates:
- there would be a trip on the lower Taff on Saturday (see report on blog below).
- another would be run on Saturday 22 October (Grant to lead)
- Sunday 20 Nov. should be kept clear as another possible date, as should
- Sunday 11 Dec.
- Hywel was asked to arrange another trip on the RIver Dart (Loop G2/3 section) "as usual", i.e the 1st Saturday of the Feb. half-term holiday (18 Feb.), and to investigate the availability of tickets for the Upper Dart (G4 section)
Annual Membership: the Treasurer sought the following increases in subscriptions:
Individual (member of WCA) - up to £15 from £8
(non member WCA) - up to £20 from £15
Junior (member of WCA) - up to £10 from £5
(non member WCA) - up to £17 from £12
Family (adult member of WCA) -up to £28 from £23
(junior member of WCA) - up to £30 from £25
(non member WCA) -up to £35 from £30
These were agreed but the Treasurer was asked to bring forward other options for consideration including i. membership which included pool fees, and ii. the possibility of termly payment.
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